Our First Meeting



My name is Leah. I hope you are having a good day. I know times are tough right now and I hope you are feeling and doing ok right now. 

I have debated starting this for a while. I did something like this before in about 2018 and I basically complained about being a bad friend or a bad person, it was my emo phase don't judge me. But seriously this has been in the back of my mind for ages and I just thought 'lets do it'. What is stopping me from doing this? Not to be a cliche but the only thing stopping me is me. So welcome again to this place where we can talk and share things together or you can just listen to me rant about beauty standards or something. 

I have started this to, One: create something which I will enjoy. I love writing but sometimes I feel that I'm not good enough. So I'm practicing. Even if it is unbearable to read, at least it is practice and I'm not just sitting on my arse all day.  
And Two: I love sharing my opinion. It may sometimes be not what others think but I believe that conversations and debates are nessacary for humans to function and live side by side. I believe that by sharing my opinions and thoughts, we can create a community of unity and conversation. Also, I just love talking hehehe. 

If this isn't your thing, thats's fine and I totally respect that. Don't feel any pressure to read or anything. But if it is, I would love to have you support me through this and read all of my crap. It would be lovely. This is something I'm really passionate about and it would mean the world to hear your advice and feedback. 

I would love to feature other writers on this platform, so please dm me if you want to get invovled or share a piece. It could be anything, writing, art, music etc etc. The whole idea of this is to share and collabrate and praise eachother and it would be an honour to do that on this site. 

So please do join me every Wednesday where i will be sharing a piece by me or even by you! And if you would like to, please press subscribe so you can be notified when i post!!!

Lots of love
Leah xxx

ps. please dm your ideas or feedback on my instagram @leah_nott 


  1. As long as your enjoy that’s all that matter, who cares what people think - Katie :) xx

  2. I know I'm your dad so I am a smidge biased but glad to see you're doing something you love. Especially as a platform for idea sharing and in the pursuit of community and unity. It's super tough to hear things that we fundamentally disagree with but with openness is allows space to be known and to know others. GO FOR IT!!


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